Those Moments that Stop Your Heart
Today was one of those moments that you absolutely hate, the phone call of disaster. I had been at work a couple of hours when my daughter (the one with the blog) called. She was taking my grandson (along with her other three kids) to the ER. A telivision in the bedroom had fallen on top of him, and he couldn't seem to stand up.
My heart was in my throat, and all I could say was, "I'm on my way". So, I jumped in my car and made the fastest trip up to the ER that I have ever made. I got there to see my grandaughter (almost 9 going on 15) and my grandson (5, going on 5) in the waiting room. The clerk indicated where my daughter was with my grandson(17 months) and his sister (17 months). My granddaughter had just had a bad trip to the doctor(blood tests, etc), so she was in the exam room crying and my grandson was just sitting there looking like no big deal.
I took my granddaughter out to the waiting room with the other two, and we waited about 40 minutes before they took him for X-rays. And, then as usual, another 40 minutes or so (luckily the ER was not busy at all) before the doctor called me back in, to let us all know that it looked like bruising but no breaks. What a relief.
My daughter and her kids have been living with me for the last 15 months. You remember how crazy you were about your kids when they were small (as adults, ah, not so much--just kidding), but I was there with my daughter when the twins were born. I had gone in to be there with my daughter, but after they wrapped the firstborn (the boy) up, they handed him to me (my daughter had a c-section, so was not holding anything at the time) and then, after the girl was born, and wrapped, they handed her to me too. I was sitting there saying, "Heh, I'm here for my daughter". The nurse's response was, "Heh, get used to it Grandma". And ever since that time, I have been enamored of the two. (Of course I love my other two grandchildren-and I was in the delivery room with my daughter when her first son was born), but somehow, having them so close by, watching them grow, being a part of their lives has been magnificent. Even if my house seems small with all these folks, it has been worth it.
So, the week that I was going to start with a WOW, started with a POW.
Happy Monday.