The Power of Words
I should have gotten up and written my thoughts last night when I couldn't go to sleep, but I figured maybe I should sleep on them or not sleep on them as it turned out. Here was the situation. My daughter has a blog, and she is an excellent writer, and she wanted me to read one of her posts. Well, let's just say her posts are much more provocative than mine-heh, somethings are better forgotten. And, some of her posts are things that happened to her as a teenager (I don't know where I was, because I sure didn't know about a lot of the stuff she writes about). Well, one of them made me uncomfortable, and words were said (I hate that it is so much easier to say stupid things when you are upset or angry-why doesn't something just make your mouth stay closed).
Then, because I was upset, mostly with myself, I started in on my husband, who has the same disease of the mouth that I do, and he said some things, and I said some things, and for one of the first times ever, we went to bed somewhat mad at each other. All because of a few words, written on a blog.
Well, I'm learning, gotta realize the past is the past-there is nothing I can do to change it but learn from it, and learn to be the supportive person I want to be. There are just so many buttons that people can push.
One of my other buttons is that when something uncomfortable happens, I want it done with, and go on, FIDO (Forget about it, Drive On). A couple of members of my family seen to want to drag things out, keep dealing with the situation, it drives me crazy. I've been reading some stuff about Tom Peters, and he said at 61 he went to Canyon Ranch and finally really learned to breathe. I guess that's what I need, to stop holding my breath, waiting for the other shoe to fall, stop thinking life is a roller coaster, and just breathe.
So, my goal for this next week is to Breathe, put some WOW in my life, and have some fun. (too bad I have to go to work!)
Hi Nancy, thanks for your comment on my pictures! I use just a regular digital camera, nothing fancy. I looked though your recent posts, and like you said in your post about cameras, it's easy with the digital, because you can keep taking it until it comes out right!
My closeups don't usually come out as good, unfortunately ;)
Good luck with the having FUN part of your week, hope that all goes well. :)
I have enjoyed reading your blog!! Thanks for visiting mine! Being in the wilderness Saturday was great...it can get pretty hot in the valley...(as you must know)...I'll be back to visit..and have fun!!!!
Some people look at the past with regret or embarassment, they find it difficult to separate the emotion from the event. I look at the past as a story, and nothing is ever regretted or lamented over. I am proud of the person I am, flaws and all. I can look back and laugh at my silliness, my stupidity, and my mistakes.I can laugh and say thank God that is all over with. Thank God I am such a different person now- and ohh wow I was crazy. Nothing is better forgotten- only learned from or cherished for the "memory" that it was. That is just me- maybe that is all your daughter was trying to convey???
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