I remember when Mama Cass and the Mama's and the Papa's were big--yes, I'm old, and I'm okay with it. One of my favorite songs was "Make Your Own Kind of Music". It goes back quite a long way. I used to play guitar when I was in college. My husband bought me a Yamaha folk guitar way back in the early 70's. I never took lessons, but I got the books, learned some chords, and had a great time singing to myself. I had songbooks by the Beatles, and Jackson Brown, and Linda Rondstat, and some even more oldie goldies--it was great. I only played when I was by myself, and sang along. I figured I had missed my calling as a folk singer and could just imagine myself as so many of us do long ago, of sitting outside, playing and singing and getting discovered. Well, that never happened, and it is probably a good thing. Where would I be now if I had been "discovered". Certainly not where I am, with who I am. So, I'm not complaining.
When my kids came along, I was able to endulge myself by playing and singing to them--a captive audience, and when they are young, they don't care what you sing--they love music too. I think all kids are born loving music--it's what happens to them over time that changes that. So, I used to play my guitar while the youngest two were in the bathtub--always liked the bathrooms for the acoustics. I played my guitar sometimes to get them to sleep.
And then, somewhere along the road, they grew up--figured out I wasn't that good, and all was lost----I was devastated. They no longer wanted me to sing and play my guitar. Now, if I wanted to sing--I would have to go somewhere by myself (well with 4 kids, that never happens). And so, over time, I stopped playing. The guitar got put in a closet, lost with all the memories of those wonderful times of baring my soul in the song. It makes you wonder, why we let people do these things to us--give up something we really loved because we lacked their approval. It shouldn't be that way. I can tell you, my present husband loves it when I sing, and when we travel, we sing to the radio, and he never makes a face, or gives me that look. (That's what love is really all about!).
So, I continue to make my own kind of music--in different ways now (one of my sons ran off with my guitar--it was vintage--now it's worth something). I fill my life with music whenever I can. I have XM in my car--I listen to streaming music in my office--(the real PC stuff), I sing to the radio when I'm by myself or with my husband, and when the kids are gone, I put the CD's on and dance around just like I was 12 (well, in my head I still am). I might be crazy, but it is critical to my sanity. Our lives are filled with music, and when they are not, we are missing something big time. We need to surround ourselves with the beauty and creativity that is everywhere. It makes us feel better, helps us make it through the day.
So to all of you out there--don't be afraid--make your own music, sing your own song, and enjoy every minute of it. It's all we get.
From the beginnings of fall in Atlanta
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