I saw a great reflection photo on another blog and decided I would share a couple of mine from Alaska. Reflections are very interesting--the fact that they are backwards of what really is. Have you ever done that experiment where you take a picture of the left and right half of your face and then put the two left sides or two right sides of the picture together--it's like we have a good twin and an evil twin.
My husband is a Gemini and he really is sometimes like two people--the great guy, very kind and generous and then the other one that seems to only pop out when he is tired. The one that seems to be like Dr. Jeckyl. Me, I'm sure that some people see me completely differently than my family sees me. I remember long ago when a family counselor just couldn't believe that I ever got angry. Yep, our reflections--the one out front, the one behind the mirror that we try to keep out of sight from the rest of the world, or not. My son believes totally in the premise,that what you see is what you get, and if you don't like it, f..k it. He is totally himself (unless he is trying to get something from me), all the time, no airs, no games--of course who he is drives some people batty (sometimes me), but I do admire him for having the guts, (not necessarily the best judgement) to be totally who he is. My two other sons have learned how to play the game pretty well--the "how to win friends and influence people". My daughter, is a little more like my other son--just more reserved and more introspective and quiet. (Of course, I am now hearing stories from her younger days that would make me think differently). I think sometimes bad stuff happens to good people and it has a dramatic effect on them.
So, what do people see when they look at me? I know that I have my own internal view of myself, and that's probably why there aren't a lot of pictures of me hanging around. In my head, I'm a kid, uncoordinated, havent' really gotten comfortable with my body, but still wanting to play and have fun, be silly, dance, laugh, and not have to be an adult. What I have had to be in real life is the "adult", reserved, I won't say quiet, but certainly not raucous, except at home dancing with my 19 month old grandchildren. I have had to be the responsible one, the caregiver (not so good at that part), the provider, and now, since my Dad died, sort of the head of the family. It isn't necessarily who I want to be, but so it goes.

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