Thursday, August 10, 2006

It's a Beautiful Day

I was thinking this morning as I was driving to work. I really do have a great job. Not because I make a bunch of money(cause I don't), not because I get fame and recognition(definitely don't), not because I'm the "boss"(I'm just a worker bee), but because of the great people I get to work with all across the country. This is a tribute to them.

The people I work with out there in the "real world" are amazing. They are there for the right reasons. They care about the people in their communities and want them to have the opportunity to lead healthy, happy lives. This isn't just something they say, this is something they honestly believe and work for every day. My job is to try to help them in any way I can to get there. These folks are creative, collaborative, dedicated, and honestly some of the nicest people I have ever had the pleasure to meet. They were there for me when my Dad died, and even though I am a consultant, they were more like my extended family, grieving with me. When I get the priviledge of going out to meet with them, they have always been more than gracious, taking time away from their incredibly busy schedules to take me to see the great programs they have been able to implement in their communities, the hard work in making policy changes, the incredible tedious work of compiling data to report to me so that I can advocate for them. They make my job so rewarding. Through them, I feel that I too can be a part of the difference that they are making. I am so proud and honored to call them my friends. One of my partners said yesterday that I was her mentor. Well I can tell you, I have learned more from all of them than I could ever give back.

An incredibly big "Thank-You" to all my buds out there. (You know who you are). You guys are the center of my Universe.


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