Tuesday, July 25, 2006

What the Hell in "Hell's Kitchen"

"Hell's Kitchen" has certainly been fiery this year. Seems like there is a fire on every episode these days. I can't believe I watch the show, but I guess I am just amazed at what the people say about each other, and how much Heineken they can drink (skunky beer if you ask me-don't they have any other choices?) And, how much abuse are people willing to take knowing that only one of them will get to be a chef at the new restaurant--can you imagine going through weeks of being called a "f... b...." and then not win? That is the part that always amazes me. Most of these folks know that they don't have a chance in hell of winning, but they put up with the crap for weeks, like on Survivor or Big Brother. We pretty much knew that the prison cook wasn't going to win. We pretty much knew that the guy who kept sweating into the food wasn't going to win. I am not sure who is going to make it to the end, but if the big guy with the pants that won't stay up makes it, I sure wouldn't want to eat there--can they not get him a belt? And "Sara"--give me a break, somebody needs to give her a clue-she hasn't cooked meat in years and then suggest lamb chops? How ridiculous is she? And Heather--can you get some original lines--the claw stuff, has gotten really tiring. Please anyone who reads this (of course no one does), but please if you go on a reality tv show, show some originality, show some pride--if you are a chef--what the hell are you doing smoking? I certainly wouldn't want a chef preparing my food that had just been out smoking. And, even if they are your competitors, treat people with some courtesy. You can be a leader and still be a human. You can compete without trying to sabotage others. If you are talented enough to be a chef with a large restaurant, you don't do it by sabotage, you do it by talent.

Yes, I know that doesn't make for interesting TV, or does it? Could people like Dilana on Rock Star SuperNova show a new way of getting ahead--being honest, helpful, and human? Are we so screwed up in our TV world that all we find entertaining is people trashing each other? I think the networks would be surprised if they tried something different. I personally am tired of the sitcoms where the teens are supposedly so "smart", and the adults are so "stupid". Give me a break, I've raised four teens--they are not as smart as they think they are. Maybe that's why I have resorted to watching reality tv. At least sometimes the young folks get taught a lesson or too.

So, tonight is Rockstar--we'll see if Dilana continues to be my new role model.

1 comment:

Siobhan said...

Hi Nancy! Thanks for your visit.