Thursday, September 14, 2006

A Little Respect

When things slow down at work, I often search on topics of interest--one of them being leadership. As I have mentioned previously, I am always trying to determine how people become leaders within organizations. Is it because of their skills in this area, or more often, the who they know leadership track. I came across and interesting book called "The DNA of Leadership". I found an interview that the author did with Shrinkwrap radio that was very interesting.

The most interesting point for me was the fact that according to the book, only 50% of our genes are fixed, and 50% are encoded to be influenced by the environment. So, the environment we are in can influence how we act, behave and grow. It also stated that we remember how people make us feel much more than what they say.

The author came up with the acronym CHANGES
G--Generativity (sp)

Leaders need to realize that inclusion is a human need, and that when people are excluded, it can result in territoriality (my, I've got a bunch of big words in this thing). Another comment I found interesting was that gossip is something people do to help support each other and help them understand what is going on inside the company when they are being excluded.

So much of this made sense to me and hit home for stuff happening in my work environment. I've taken enough of the mandatory management classes--I know what my motivator is--I like to be in the know. I need the big picture view to help me understand the steps I need to take to get to that big picture. I often tell my bosses, so that they don't have to read my mind to figure it out.

I know I've said this a hundred times, but all I want is "a little respect", a dab of inclusion, some opportunities for growth, a chance to share my views and ideas, and a team that can come together, talk about the hard stuff, not get caught up in the petty stuff, not see everything as an attack on them personally.

Aren't we all in this together?

Humanity for all
Spirit be with you.


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