Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11 Remembering

Ast he anniversary of 9/11/01 comes around, it amazes me that five years have passed. I remember so clearly that morning. I had been in a meeting and came back to my office to see everyone in turmoil. There was a small TV in one of the offices, used for media stuff, and they were all gathered around trying to get an idea of what was happening. We watched as our world as we knew it, safe, isolated from the rest of the world, end that day. We watched as word of the Pentegon came over the wires. We heard rumors of other buildings that had been bombed--and here we were sitting in a federal facility-next door to another large federal facility--not too comforting. There was no more working that day--we were all glued to the tube, or to our radios in our offices, or to CNN online. Soon after they sent all federal employees home--the traffic was a nightmare-but all I could think of was that I wanted to be at my home--as if somehow that made me more safe.

For days, I was sucked in to watching it all on TV. And, then I started internalizing it and kept waiting for the "other shoe to drop". Everytime I heard unusual jet noises, I wondered what now. I think remembering this is a good thing. Five years later, we are already angry with increased restrictions at the airports, etc. We need to remember--we need to stay vigelant--we are no longer safe.

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