Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Getting Traffic To Your Blog

I'm not sure why I want traffic to my blog--I guess, it would just be nice to see someone comment good or bad about my wanderings, so here are some words that supposedly help generate traffic. Sorry for any misguidance.

Adding these words may help attract some traffic: The One Percent Doctrine Ron Susk..., Martin Taylor, Clay Aiken, World Cup, Myspace, Tamara Hoover, Singapore, Supernova. Of course I don't know how to hotlink these things to my blog, but so it goes.

Of course I won't know whether you came or not, but if you do, at least say hello before you leave.

1 comment:

Michele said...

Gee, how to attract visitors to your blog...hmmm, maybe visit someone, leave a comment like you did on mine and then I come over to say HI back and who knows... you could have a new blogger buddy.

That's kind of how it works, ideally. I started as a fan of my favorite romance authors. They are super duper people and a few still visit. Which thrills me no end.

Sometimes I hit the "Next Blog" button and I've found some awesome and delightful people that way.

Responding to comments on your blog endears you to the visiters because everyone likes to be recongized - giving or receiving. Human nature, you know?

I hope you bring giggles to whomever you share the jokes with that you got from my blog.
Sharing smiles is one of "MY Favorite Things!"